Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sound offering, voice sacrifice and Galdr chanting

Early roman historians write about the Germanic tribes that they storm into battle like a force of nature and battle songs on their lips that remind more on animals than people. A later Arabian traveller uses nearly the same words, when he describes the music of the people that live in Hedeby, german North Sea coast today.

Nearly all spiritual movements on this planet know the sound offering, meaning a song to honour gods, spirits or other entities. It means bringing a gift of sound to the invisible world.
These offerings are as valid as the dance, the incense, the food, wine or blood. In the north, according to what we can extract from the sources, the term voice sacrifice is more matching in my opinion. 
As an offering or sacrifice you always bring the best you have. Very simply because you also want to receive from the invisible world the best possible, or not? So where is the point in bringing sick cattle to honour the entities? No matter what you believe in, you kneel down on your finest carpet, you wear your best clothes for service, a cup of the best wine goes on the altar.
Same goes for the songs, you sing with full heart, full voice disregarding all fears, all obstacles or shyness. Let it all out in order to be able to take the energy in. Your throat is suppose to hurt afterwards.

Especially in the pre christian spiritualities of the north it is clearly not about submitting or prostrate smoothly and humble to the gods. It is about standing up, showing strength, pride and love, hoping to be found worthy. You don´t choose to be part of Wotan s army, you apply giving all you have during lifetime and maybe his one eye smiles on you when you die…

So where should be the point of a half-hearted song? Why holding back? 

If you don t mean it, don t sing it.

Thank you for the nice picture #terjedokken :)

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Attempt to recreate an iron age Scandinavian battle chant:

Keep it up .-)