Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.”
-William James
Basics of healing: Acceptance
Life is a long line of spontaneous changes. The moment we fail to accept changes we create misery for ourselves and others. If we accept new situations free of judgement or disagreement it gives us the chance to see the situation in all its qualities as it is. This enables us to find the right reaction or action or let it find us.
That is the key to bare pain without suffering.
Acceptance is often mistaken for resignation. That should not be the case. We are not carpets where everyone can just walk all over.
Acceptance to me is taking a step back, rethinking, meditating instead of pushing into a hopeless fight all over again.
It is the understanding, that we are not a product of what happens to us but that we are a product of our reaction to what happens to us.
I think trying to bend reality according to wishes deriving from not-acceptance of what is, will result in the mirroring of the repellant attitude in the world and others. The fate of the not accepting individuals will so be the disconnection from the path of happiness and healing.
They will maybe start intrigues, leave those who live love and wonder why they feel empty and isolated, even from themselves.
They will possibly accuse others or the circumstances for being the cause of their misery, not understanding that they carry it in them and the outer world just triggers it.
Acceptance is in my worlds the very basic of every true spiritual path.
Those who fail to accept will clearly not be able to embrace the challenges of the higher teachings.
No acceptance equals no real healing.
No acceptance means a constant fixing of symptoms without ever getting to the root of the problem.