Friday, March 13, 2020

Teachers and teachings

To my teachers

My teachers are among the greatest blessings I received in this life.
Starting out with some teachers in regular and church school, also during my builders education, who answered my sometimes weird questions and didn’t t block off that wild, uncomfortable boy. I learn of stabile basics.

My teacher for Shamanism is a man that lives secluded in the forest with his family. When he came in my life, my level of aggression sank drastically and during initial contact I gained healing of a skin disease, that was with me from childhood. Whenever that man spoke to me, it was as if something inside me responded, as if my own knowledge got evoked, woken up. We travelled many worlds and hit the drum for many hours together. Now, more than twenty years after we first met, I look back at that amazing path, that opened for me thanks to the connections he made and remain in awe. I met many people during these years, listened to many stories and was even able to help some. I hope that all my actions honour his work, since it is such a big part of my personal path. I learn of great strength.

My teacher for tattooing lives and works in one of Germanys big Metropoles. Coming from an old craftsmen family, I considered myself never a great artist. However, what I was drawing inspired her to offer me a place as an apprentice. She initiated me in the old system of tattooing, made me understand, why we cling on to the traditional teacher and apprentice roles, give area protection. To claim apprentices due in forehand was out of fashion at that time already, still I understood the value of her lifetime invested in me, the effort of teaching and that it should be directly honoured.
Apart from an incredible upgrade of drawing skills I also learned my fair share of bookkeeping and how to run a tattoo shop.
Finally she also linked me up also to my current workplace and all the success that came with it. I can say with pride that I am of the rare species of tattooers, that left the teacher on good terms and I am very grateful for that. I learn of great creativity.

Musically I received off course the basics in my christian upbringing thanks to my parents. I heard hymns, sung by hundreds of people already in the belly. Of whatever nature they might have been, they left traces.
After years of unsuccessful trying throat singing a good man and strong nordic shaman, living in the Norwegian mountains taught me much later in life the secrets. It took him only one day in a long friendship to make me finally succeed.
At that time Heilung was not named, but existed in its very first fine fibres already.
Last but not least, deriving from a Scandinavian metropole I received one of the greatest gifts in my life. A studied musician and producer listened to that wild, dynamic drumming, howling and screaming crazy me and found it worthy to work with me. His partner affectingly took care for my breathing  and vocal skills. Both sacrificed a great share of lifetime, wich also already counts years, to make music with me, upgrade my rhythm and tonal skills and finally made me fit for stage to perform while being in half trance in a gigantic, complicated and complex ritualistic performance, that touches many people. I learn of great sound.

I would have never been able to reach the point where I am now without these people, who approached me with passion and an open heart. They helped me to find my place in life, to fullfill the purpose why I was born. All of them are good friends on a very deep level, living close to me or far away.

My compassion goes out to those, who I hear constantly complaining and talk bad about their teachers. Mankind has the phenomenon of mirroring out in the world. Every teacher, a person meets, is a reflection of the inner teacher or advising element, however you want o perceive or name it.
So we are never the result of our teacher or his or her actions, more the result of our reaction to the teaching, reflected back in us.
Simply said, an Idiot can only teach you to be an idiot and your actions will show. So choose your teachers wisely or give all you have to be chosen by the best.